Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Camp Floyd/Stagecoach Inn

Visited: December 2017

There are lots of plaques. One of them cracked me up because one of the soldiers was SAVAGE with their description of the camp location. The camp commissary is where you should start. There's a museum with honestly neat artifacts in there and a 10 minute overview film like every good park should have. It's actually kind of hilarious, the US government sent thousands of soldiers to "control" the "wild" Mormons. This was all based on jealous rumors that traveled back to DC in an attempt to get Brigham Young out of power in Utah. LOL. And it sounded like the soldiers were an unseemly bunch, bored as heck because the Mormons weren't planning a rebellion or taking advantage of the virtually lawless territory. Because, Mormons.

Typical government waste



Then they can open up the Stagecoach Inn for you, and you are guided through the whole building and there's some old furniture and artifacts there as well. The stairs are hella steep.

The Stagecoach in was in operation until the 1940's

So ornate

I went to check out the creek the disgruntled soldier described.

It seemed fine to me, but upon further inspection....

There was a goldfish carton lodged under the log before I took the pic -_-

There was a dog running around. They didn't like me until I was having a picnic in the balmy 35 degree weather (that's picnic weather right?). I didn't feed them. I didn't think they would like lettuce and craisins.

Also, someone get me a trime thanks

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