Sunday, June 17, 2018


Visited: April 2018

In a town with a population of 225, I was having a hard time finding the elementary school. When I entered the address on the school and district website, all 3 map apps I had lead me to 3 different dilapidated buildings that clearly didn't have any children in them. Sooo I stopped in the state park and asked the ranger, whose daughter went there, and I got to tell her that her dad said hi :)

I toured the replica building, the actual remains of the buildings from the "Anasazi", and got a patch for my collection.

Why did I put "Anasazi" in quotes, you ask? Well, turns out, Anasazi is 1. A lazy blanket term that people have used to cover people all over the American Southwest, with no regard to the fact that there were many different kinds of tribes/people with different customs and 2. We have now learned that 'anasazi' is a Navajo word for "ancient enemies" that they used for Ancestral Puebloan people sooo I'm not a huge fan of this word. But it's the name of the state park, so alas.

Arrowhead collection in the museum

Replica building

In the replica building

Actual excavation site

View from the excavation site

Patch collection from 4 days el oh el

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